This is the Wiklish Hack, a wiki for tracking and sharing hack progress. Its current contributors are @bwr and @jpo.


The Wiklish Hack is meant to be an ethereal reincarnation of the "Weeklish Hack", a group that met every once in a while in Blacksburg, Virginia. Some members have since departed, while others are still around, but this is meant to be a place for a small group of people to share what they're working on or playing with.


Issues/stories are tracked on the todo page.


The wiki is statically generated by Urubu, and the canonical version lives on GitHub (although it can be easily viewed or published in a variety of ways).

Site organization is however you want it to be! It's recommended that (at least for personal projects) you use a personal directory (e.g. bwr) when appropriate.


Anyone can fork this project and run a similar thing for themselves (such is the nature of DVCS), but if you'd like to contribute to the canonical version, feel free to ask a current administrator to add you to the wiklish organization on Github, or to submit a pull request.


Working on this project requires a unix-ish system with GNU Make, Python, and Virtualenv installed; the rest is taken care of when you first run make build.

To build an HTML copy of the site, run make build. This should give you a directory, _build/, containing the resultant static HTML.

To serve the content locally (and automatically rebuild the site when changes are made to a .md file), run make serve. ^C (or Ctrl-C for you non-true-believers) should kill the server and the rebuilding service.

If you have commit access to the website, you can run make publish to push your changes to the real world. It's highly recommended that you only do this after verifying that your pages look the way you want them, and are generated correctly. If you run make publish and not everything is as it should be, you may accidentally push an empty site (and this empty site will overwrite the current site contents until someone fixes it).